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Information Technology

Our modern facility offers several computer classrooms, one hardware classroom, and one network classroom.

Practical development is stressed in Information Technology classes as students are presented with strategies for applying their studies to present and future needs of technology-related careers.

Faculty are committed to delivering excellent instruction and the college is dedicated to providing students with the tools to succeed.

Bachelor of Applied Science Degree

IT Networking – System Administration, BAS

The Bachelor of Applied Science in Information Technology Networking – System Administration (BASIT) degree is designed for prospective students who have earned an Associate degree and need a pathway to a bachelor’s degree. This pathway combines lower-division technical and transfer courses with upper-division credits in Information Technology, resulting in an application-oriented, four-year degree. Full-time students are generally able to complete the degree in as few as two years.  Upon admission, students may start the program the following quarter.

This degree will broaden and deepen students’ foundational knowledge, adding general education, theory, advanced technical and professional skills, and integrative collaborating learning.

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Associate Degrees

Computer Science, AA-DTA/MRP

The Associate of Computer Science – Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Ready Pathway (DTA/MRP) degree is designed for students who plan to pursue Computer Science at a four-year college or university.  Students can start on the Computer Science core courses while completing their general education requirements.  Upon completion of the DTA/MRP, students will enter most colleges or universities as a junior. Students may graduate under the catalog in force during entry for a period of not more than five years if continuously enrolled.

Degree Requirements

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate programming abilities through production of planning documents, documented working programming projects, and testing documentation.
  • Apply the skills and knowledge acquired through coursework to analyze issues and critically evaluate a problem, specification, or code as applied to Computer Science.
  • Use mathematics skills to analyze and interpret quantitative information and draw relevant conclusions.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge acquired through coursework by effectively communicating to fellow team members, the public, and members of the larger community using written, oral, and visual communication methods.
  • Use appropriate quantitative tools to evaluate algorithms, represent data, and document findings and code.

IT General Degree, AAS

This degree provides students with an option to customize a degree reflective of their interests and occupational needs. Students will complete the Information Technology core requirements and select additional credits with close consultation of an IT Program Advisor. Students and their advisor will create a degree plan with a strong IT core combined with courses numbered at least 100-level from the departments listed below for a total of at least 90 credits, which may also include up to 10 credits from the Arts & Science division.

  • Agriculture
  • Business
  • Criminal Justice
  • Engineering
  • Information Technology
Degree Requirements

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Apply current industry standards to plan, coordinate, and apply technology-based solutions to personal or organizational challenges.
  • Demonstrate professional etiquette and communication with peers, clients, and management.
  • Perform computer system and network installation, troubleshooting, and problem resolution for users and organizations.

Network Administrator, AAS

This degree enables students to install, administer, configure, and troubleshoot networks. This curriculum helps prepare students for industry-recognized Cisco, CompTIA, and Microsoft certifications.

Degree Requirements

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Apply current industry standards to plan, coordinate, and apply technology-based solutions to personal or organizational challenges.
  • Configure and manage network equipment and servers.
  • Demonstrate professional etiquette and communication with peers, clients, and management.
  • Perform computer system and network installation, troubleshooting, and problem resolution for users and organizations.

IT Support Specialist, AAS

The IT Support Specialist degree includes a curriculum that helps prepare students for CompTIA and Microsoft certifications and provides opportunities for developing an IT knowledge base necessary for those in the Support Specialist degree. The curriculum includes hardware and software installations, end-user support, and troubleshooting skills.

Degree Requirements

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Apply current industry standards to plan, coordinate, and apply technology-based solutions to personal or organizational challenges.
  • Demonstrate professional etiquette and communication with peers, clients, and management.
  • Perform basic computer system and network installation, troubleshooting, and problem resolution for users and organizations.
  • Support users, software, and devices in standalone or networked installations.


Access Certificate

The Access Certificate curriculum includes key office software applications and an opportunity to earn Microsoft Office Specialist certifications in Access. The program provides complementary skills utilized by employees in various office positions within a company.

Certificate Requirements

Cisco Networking Certificate

This certificate prepares students to work with Cisco networking equipment. The course material maps to Cisco certification requirements. Students are also trained in designing, configuring, and implementing network equipment within a small/medium-sized business enterprise network.

Certificate Requirements

Certificate option for students enrolled in BASIT.

Database Administrator  Certificate

Certificate Requirements

Excel Certificate

This certificate provides students with an understanding of Microsoft Excel and the skills necessary to work with spreadsheets in a production environment. The program provides complementary skills utilized by employees in various office positions within a company.

Certificate Requirements

IT Office Suite Certificate

The Office Suite Certificate curriculum includes key office software applications and an opportunity to earn Microsoft Office Specialist certifications in Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. The program provides complementary skills utilized by employees in various office positions within a company.

Certificate Requirements

IT Programming Certificate

This certificate introduces students to the process of program development using popular programming languages.

Certificate Requirements

Managing and Maintaining

This certificate prepares students with the skills necessary to perform basic hardware maintenance, troubleshooting, and installation on a PC.

Certificate Requirements

This certificate prepares the student to use Microsoft Outlook as a communication and coordination tool within an organization.

Microsoft Outlook Certificate

Certificate Requirements

Certificate option for students enrolled in BASIT.

Windows Server Administrator

Certificate Requirements

Department Contacts

David DaltonFaculty Yakima Campus
Technology Complex
Building 24, Room 200H
Phone: 509.574.4848 Stefan AppersonFaculty Yakima Campus
Technology Complex
Building 24, Room 200E
Phone: 509.574.4754 Peter UdoFaculty Yakima Campus
Technology Complex
Building 24, Room 200G
Phone: 509.574.4790 David BlakleyInstructional & Classroom Support Technician Yakima Campus
Technology Complex
Building 24, Room 200D
Phone: 509.574.4795 Lori FergusonProgram Coordinator Yakima Campus
Technology Complex
Building 24, Room 100H
Phone: 509.574.6810 Pathway Navigators CONNECT WITH YOUR PATHWAY NAVIGATOR