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YVC Foundation
Prior Hall (Building 1)
Yakima Campus
Stacy Kautz
Executive Director
Yakima Valley College Foundation
Yakima Valley College Foundation provides scholarships and financial assistance to students and supports Yakima Valley College.
Since 1977, the Foundation has awarded scholarships each year ranging from $150,000 to $700,000 which provide many deserving students an opportunity to attain a higher education who otherwise would not have access to college. The Foundation relies on alumni, friends and community members to underwrite its scholarship programs.
Foundation Scholarships Info Make A Gift
A Message from the Foundation President
Thank you for supporting YVC students!
The Yakima Valley College Foundation has been providing support to the Yakima Valley College and its students since it was organized in 1977 by Dr. William Russell, college President and Marvin Sundquist, philanthropist. Its assets, which have grown to some $12 million, provide an earnings base to fund as many as 200 tuition scholarships and a student success fund each year. The successful fund-raising effort by Foundation Directors qualified us for three U. S. Department of Education (DOE) matching grants. Community support and the DOE grants added $2,700,000 to the endowment fund. In addition to the Endowed Scholarship Funds the Foundation contributed $350,000 to an Endowed Fund for Faculty Endowment and received matching funds from the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC.)
With the rising cost of higher education and the ever greater necessity of an education to obtain employment, the mission of the Foundation is of increasing importance. There is more and more demand for the assistance offered to students by the Foundation. The response by the Foundation must be to continue to enlarge our capital base. We feel confident that those members of the community who understand the importance of education will respond to this need just as they have in the past. We salute those who have been responsible for the growth of the Yakima Valley College Foundation and encourage others to meet the challenge of equipping our young people for a productive future.
Mary Sundquist
Foundation Officers & Directors
Board Officers

Mary Sundquist

Paul McDonald
Vice President

Leslie Eglin
Executive Committee

Kathryn Bauer
Executive Committee

Jean Brown
Executive Committee
Board Members

Chafeka Abedellatif
Board Member

Norma Barajas
Board Member

Alma Benitez
Board Member

Juana Rezaie
Board Member

Ernesto Sanchez
Board Member

Martin Streich
Board Member

Bret Bohoskey
Board Member

Doug Armstrong
Board Member

Stacey Kautz
Executive Director
Honorary Directors |
Pat Gilmore |
Glenn Rice |
Clark Sandoz |
Delma Tayer |
Questions? Contact Us.
YVC Foundation
Prior Hall (Building 1)
Yakima Campus
Stacy Kautz
Executive Director