YVC Special Programs
Special Programs
Assistance with childcare and support services and referrals to community partners for training and resources.
Receive Basic Food Benefits and/or Working Connections Childcare
- Not eligible for TANF
- Household income 200% below federal poverty rate
- US Citizen or legal resident.
- Pursing a professional/tech degree
Contact Name: Josefina Garza
Phone: 509.574.4743
Email: jgarza@yvcc.edu
Stipend ($2000/year), book lending program, tutoring, student support, and emergency medical/dental/ vision assistance.
- From a farm working family or current/ former migrant seasonal farmworker
- Complete FAFSA/WASFA
- 1st year applicant at YVC
- Recent HS diploma/GED
- US citizen/permanent resident
Contact Name: Marivy Vasquez
Phone: 509.574.4701
Email: mvasquez@yvcc.edu
Assistance with tuition, books, and student support.
- Employed at an Early Achievers Childcare Facility
- Pursuing ECE certificate or AAS
- Washington state resident
Contact Name: Denise Paikuli
Phone: 509.574.6800 x 3148
School supplies, tutoring, student support, university visits, conferences, college skills workshops, academic advising, and career counseling.
- First-generation college student
- Historically marginalized students
- Pursuing a bachelors in STEM
Contact Name: Cristy Rasmussen
Phone: 509.574.4643
Email: crasmussen@yvcc.edu
Assistance with tuition, fees, and books.
- WA state resident
- Complete FAFSA/WASFA
- Household income 200% below federal poverty rate
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress: 2.0 GPA
- Enrolled in I-Best program or other eligible college program.
Contact Name: Monserrat Vargas
Phone: 509.574.4977
Email: mvargas@yvcc.edu
Assistance with tuition, living expenses, academic/ employment support, and referral to other resources.
- Former foster youth or unaccompanied homeless youth
- Enrolled at least half-time in an eligible college program
- WA state resident
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress: 2.0 GPA
Contact Name: Raymond Navarro
Phone: 509.574.4603
Email: rnavarro@yvcc.edu
Outreach, help selecting academic pathways, identifying financial resources, supporting retention and addressing basic needs.
• Anyone who has been justice system impacted
Contact Name: Alex Bazan
Phone: 509.834.4500
Email: abazan@yvcc.edu
Assistance with tuition, food, and transportation.
- Homeless, at-risk for homelessness, or former foster care youth
- Currently enrolled student (includes CCR and Running Start)
Contact Name: Guadalupe Huitron-Lilly
Phone: 509.574.4683
Email: ghuitron-lilly@yvcc.edu
TRIO Grant opportunity, school supplies, tutoring, student support, university visits, college skills workshops, academic advising, and career counseling.
- First-generation college student
- Low-income or disabled
- US citizen/permanent resident
- Currently enrolled full-time at YVC
Contact Name: Dustin Shattuck
Phone: 509.574.4960
Email: dshattuck@yvcc.edu
Assistance with tuition, fees, books, student support costs, academic advising, work study, and personal support.
- Must be referred YVC WorkFirst by DSHS
- Currently receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Enrolled in Workforce Education program
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress: 2.0 GPA
Contact Name: Lonni Rodriguez-Funk
Phone: 509.574.4607
Email: Lrodriguez-funk@yvcc.edu
Assistance with tuition and books.
- Receiving WA State Unemployment Benefits
- Have exhausted WA State Unemployment Benefits
- Dislocated Worker or Self-employed but now unemployed due to economic downturn
- Unemployed veteran, honorably discharged within the past 24 months
Contact Name: Josefina Garza
Phone: 509.574.4743
Email: jgarza@yvcc.edu