Multi Factor Authentication
Questions? Contact Us.
Help Desk
Prior Hall (Building 1), Room 171
Yakima Campus
Monday – Friday
7:30 am – 4:30 pm
Closed Fridays During Summer Quarter
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?
MFA requires a user to use one or more additional verification factors to gain access to a resource (e.g., application, online account, etc.) rather than just asking for a username and password. With MFA activated, if a person tries to break into your account, they will not get in without the second verification factor. MFA adds an extra layer of protection to our institution.

Token2 Card MFA (Not Required)
For users that need access to the network but do not use a device, such as a mobile phone, to authenticate, a card can be requested from the helpdesk. See below for further instructions on how to request a token card.
Anyone who opts to use this method for their MFA will be required to use the card every time they use application requesting MFA.
If you are interested in using this method , please put in a token card request ASAP.
For more information or to setup an appointment with the Tech Services Help Desk please contact
For general information on the Token2 Card please visit the Token Card Request page.
Step 2: Login as Needed
After a user successfully enters their verification code from their preferred method, their MFA will be activated, and have authorized access. Examples of when users will be prompted to verify themselves include when they are not actively using the application or signed out of the application.

Microsoft MFA Login

ctcLink MFA Login
Third Party Authentication Application Options
Questions? Contact Us.
Help Desk
Prior Hall (Building 1), Room 171
Yakima Campus
Monday – Friday
7:30 am – 4:30 pm
Closed Fridays During Summer Quarter