Food Vendor List

The following vendors have been contacted by the Purchasing Department and have submitted the required documentation (business license and insurance certificate) in order to provide food service on our campus.  

We will continue to add vendors to this list as they respond. You may contact a food service vendor for catering services that is not on this list; however, you must ask them to provide you with their business license and a certificate of insurance.

These documents must be submitted with your requisition.  Please refer to YVC's procedure 1.14 Food Service. If you have questions concerning this list, please contact the Purchasing Department.

Catering Creations by Toni/2 Busy 2 Cook 6002 Summitview Ave YAKIMA WA 98908 509-969-0048 Yes
Debbie's Catering 4112 Terrace Heights Dr YAKIMA WA 98901 509-388-1312 Yes
Domino's Pizza 364 Chardonnay Ave PROSSER WA 99350 509-781-6550 Yes
The Donut Bar & Café 1024 W Nob Hill Blvd YAKIMA WA 98902 509-307-5574 Yes
Fiesta Foods 1008 E Nob Hill Blvd YAKIMA WA 98901 509-492-7938 Yes
Garcia's Kitchen 3215 River Rd YAKIMA WA 98902 509-833-4852 Yes
Kabob House  2706 W Nob Hill Blvd YAKIMA WA 98902 509-469-0504 Yes
Panera Bread Company 21 E Valley Mall Blvd. UNION GAP WA 98903 509-426-6090 Yes - Fee
Scratch Bakery 810 W 2nd GRANDVIEW WA 98930 509-203-6438  
Tony's Big Cheese Pizza 2204 W. Nob Hill Blvd. YAKIMA WA 98902 509-575-7977 Yes
What I Crave Food Truck 107 Mobile Home Ave YAKIMA WA 98903 509-426-9204  
Yes, Chef 120 E Yakima Ave YAKIMA WA 98902 509-480-3431 Yes