First Generation Students at YVC

Yakima Valley College is proud to support first-generation students in achieving their educational and professional goals. More than 80% of YVC students are first-generation, along with many faculty and staff members. We hope this page serves as a resource for first-generation undergraduate students and their families.

What is a First-Generation Student?

The term first-generation college student means:

First-Generation College Celebration

Celebrated nationwide every November.

We are honored to join colleges and universities across the nation in the National First-Generation College Celebration this November 2023. Led by the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) and the NASPA Center for First-Generation Student Success, this event celebrates the success of first-generation college students, faculty, staff and alumni and raises awareness of the support necessary for this important and resilient population to continue thriving.

Please join this celebration by viewing stories of some of YVC’s first-generation students, alumni, faculty and staff, making use of our first-gen social media and Zoom graphics, or learning more about our supports for first-gen students.

Resources for First-Generation Students

YVC Guided Pathways Coordinator & English Instructor, Mark J. Fuzie recommends using available resources, “I was a first-generation college student. I’ve often thought of what I’d tell my 17-year-old self if I could go back in time. I’d tell myself to visit with my instructors during office hours, take advantage of the writing center, tutoring center, library group study areas, study groups in classes and all the other opportunities to bring out my social self. I thought I had to do it all by myself. Turns out I was wrong. My redemption is to pass this message on to you. All of these offerings YVC makes out of love for their students. Welcome to YVC. I wish you a wonderful experience.”