Career Planning
Questions? Contact Us.
Denny Michels, M.A.T.
Career & Wellness Coach
509 494-7961
Career Planning
One of the most important decisions in our lifetime is determining our career path: what job we want and what degree we will earn. Whether you know exactly what you want to do or are rather uncertain, the following Career Planning handout contains questions and resources to help guide you in your research – to better understand yourself, the workforce, and the various degrees available at YVC.
A good decision is best arrived at by doing research, understanding all the factors and then listening to your intuition. Intuition is your inner voice that knows you best and is constantly guiding you. For example, many students who seek career counseling end up pursuing the career they were most considering already. However, some students gain clarity and options they were not aware of that help them choose a degree. Either way, the Career Planning handout is just a guide, be sure to consult with professionals in the field, faculty members and counselors for further assistance. Also consider taking SD 105: Career Planning.
View the Career Planning Guide to get started: Career Planning Guide
Explore – Research Careers
- YVC Pathways and Programs – explore the degrees and certificates available at YVC.
- Career Bridge – Find educational programs available throughout Washington State.
- WorkSource – A statewide partnership of state, local and nonprofit agencies that provides employment and training services to job seekers and employers.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook – Learn what they do, how to become one, job outlook, and similar occupations.
- ONET – Browse by job family to compare work tasks, skills, education, training, and credentials.
- Career One Stop – Search occupational profiles including industry growth and wage data by state.
Questions? Contact Us.
Denny Michels, M.A.T.
Career & Wellness Coach
509 494-7961