Questions? Contact Us.

Yakima Campus Security
7:00 am – 4:30 pm
Call 509-424-0022
After Hours Phone After 4:30 pm, and for use during power outages. 509-424-0022

​​First Amendment Activities

Thank you for your interest in visiting our campuses. Please review the Washington Administrative Code WAC 132P-142 if you are interested in using Yakima Valley College (YVC) facilities for First Amendment Activities.

Please read the YVC guidelines and ​complete the First Amendment Activities Form below.  Submitting the form does not signify approval of your activity.​ We will contact you concerning your request.

As an individual or group, you may:

  • Organize on YVC campus to discuss topics or issues with those interested in your cause.
  • Set up displays or tables to facilitate your communication.
  • Share your beliefs or views with others.
  • Hand out leaflets or flyers to individuals who are interested in your information.

As an individual or group, you may not:

  • Block pedestrian or vehicle traffic flow, or interrupt college operations.
  • Present your cause in a manner that disrupts the educational process.
  • Engage in physical contact or intimidating behavior towards others.
  • Solicit donations for your cause.
  • Approach people to hand out flyers


Submit a 1st Amendment Activity Request Form

Questions? Contact Us.

Yakima Campus Security
7:00 am – 4:30 pm
Call 509-424-0022
After Hours Phone After 4:30 pm, and for use during power outages. 509-424-0022