First Amendment
Questions? Contact Us.
Yakima Campus Security
7:00 am – 4:30 pm
Call 509-424-0022
After Hours Phone After 4:30 pm, and for use during power outages. 509-424-0022
First Amendment Activities
Thank you for your interest in visiting our campuses. Please review the Washington Administrative Code WAC 132P-142 if you are interested in using Yakima Valley College (YVC) facilities for First Amendment Activities.
Please read the YVC guidelines and complete the First Amendment Activities Form below. Submitting the form does not signify approval of your activity. We will contact you concerning your request.
As an individual or group, you may:
- Organize on YVC campus to discuss topics or issues with those interested in your cause.
- Set up displays or tables to facilitate your communication.
- Share your beliefs or views with others.
- Hand out leaflets or flyers to individuals who are interested in your information.
As an individual or group, you may not:
- Block pedestrian or vehicle traffic flow, or interrupt college operations.
- Present your cause in a manner that disrupts the educational process.
- Engage in physical contact or intimidating behavior towards others.
- Solicit donations for your cause.
- Approach people to hand out flyers
Questions? Contact Us.
Yakima Campus Security
7:00 am – 4:30 pm
Call 509-424-0022
After Hours Phone After 4:30 pm, and for use during power outages. 509-424-0022